Wilcox Academy 40th Annual Deer Hunt - January 9-12, 2025
Wilcox Academy, a six hundred plus member organization which promotes education
within the county, holds two benefit hunts each year to raise monies for its general fund. An abundance
of wild game and southern hospitality combine for a unique outdoor experience.
The GUN DEER HUNT is held the second full weekend in January and the TURKEY HUNT is
held in late March or early April. All hunts are conducted on various tracts of private lands that are not
open to the public except during these hunts.
Wilcox Academy has enjoyed a long history of putting together excellent hunts. The TURKEY HUNT began
in 1971 and was followed by the GUN DEER HUNT in 1985.
Contact William Malone for more information:
(334)525-0462 or hornswamp@gmail.com